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What we’re about

This Meetup serves as a group for all those interested in the paranormal. If it is paranormal, metaphysical, alien, or just plain weird or strange, we welcome the diversity! We will also post details of other meetings or events that may be of interest here.  

Our events are attended by everyone from experienced Paranormal Investigation Teams, Authors, and those who believe they have lived in a haunted house or experienced some type of paranormal activity, to those having only a curiosity about ghosts and hauntings, or other fringe topics.

All are welcome to join us, no matter what your interest or experience level may be. We have a good time and great conversation in a friendly, open, non-judgemental and welcoming ayhmosphere. Please join us and share your stories.

I look forward to seeing everyone there!
Best regards,
Tina R. McSwain,
Founder & Executive Director
The Charlotte Area Paranormal Society (CAPS)
Meetup Organizer