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What we’re about

Professional and ethical assistance to homes and businesses that think they might have ghosts or spirits.


See below for exact membership details...***PARAZONA RESEARCH WILL ONLY ACCEPT NEW MEMBERS THAT ARE 30+ YEARS or OLDER AND HAVE SOME RESEARCH EXPERIENCE.*** <br> <br> <br>We are the ParaZona Research Organization. <br> <br>We're looking to help homes, businesses, schools, and other organizations increase knowledge and awareness. <br> <br>IF YOU THINK YOUR LOCATION IS 'HAUNTED': <br> <br> <br> <br>We offer FREE consulting and investigation to help you determine if your location has paranormal activity. <br> <br>Investigations usually take approximately 2-3 hours. <br>You can expect: <br>•Professional, courteous behavior. <br>•Respect for the privacy of the owners, tenants, and property. <br>•Your final report within 10-20 days after investigation. <br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br> <br>ParaZona Research is an organization of investigators and researchers seeking to help those concerned or curious about their experiences with paranormal activity. Our investigations cover the valley of the sun. <br> <br>Although our main goal is to assist clients with our services, we also endeavor to gather credible evidence by way of reliable scientific methods in order to contribute qualitatively to the field of paranormal research. As a result, the credibility of the group is closely maintained, and members are carefully screened. We have successfully combined technology along with psychics/sensitives to provide a comprehensive study of each location. <br> <br>In observing our standards of integrity, respect, and discretion, ParaZona Research strives for excellence among the field of paranormal investigations. Client confidentiality is our #1 priority. Information or evidence contained within our reports will not be posted to our website without express permission of the client to do so, and under no circumstances will the identity of the client or the location of a private venue be disclosed. <br> <br>Our service is completely FREE of charge, as our only agenda is to make you feel more comfortable in your own home and/or place of business. Although we may confidently claim to be experienced and educated in the field of paranormal research and investigating, we cannot in good conscience proclaim ourselves experts in the paranormal, and we caution our clients and the public to be wary of those who do make such claims, particularly if a fee is involved. There are in fact no experts when it comes to the supernatural and/or paranormal. Nevertheless, there are many credible and competent researchers, like ourselves, who are collecting the most authentic evidence possible. <br> <br>In light of this, we believe the information contained in our reports to be credible and accurate. However, we must also caution the client not to use it as absolute proof, but rather as circumstantial evidence supporting or denying the probability of paranormal activity. <br> <br>We thank you for the opportunity to conduct your investigation. <br> <br> <br>MEMBERSHIP <br>If you have an interest in paranormal research, join the group. We seek dedicated members who are not in many other para groups. It's best if you are available for requested investigations. <br> <br>If you are looking for a group that goes out every single week, this group is NOT for you as I feel that tends to burn people out. <br> <br>If you want to see if it's just like TV - it's not. <br> <br>If you are dedicated to helping yourself and others learn about the 'how' and 'why' of hauntings, then you are at the right place. <br> <br>IF YOU WANT TO JOIN THE TEAM: <br>This group is for learning about the paranormal and focuses on possible hauntings. We may go to local cemeteries and historical places to further our knowledge. <br> <br>~YOU MUST BE AT LEAST 30 YEARS OLD AND UPLOAD AN ACTUAL PICTURE OF YOU. <br> <br>~You must not have any unlawful record with the police. <br> <br>~No rituals or practices of occult or magik. <br> <br>***Membership Waiver Agreement:*** <br>By joining this group and attending any event you agree to hold the Organizer, Asst Organizers, event organizers, co-organizers and any hosts harmless for any issues whatsoever arising from activities and events. <br> <br>BY JOINING THIS GROUP, IT IS ASSUMED THAT YOU FULLY AND COMPLETELY AGREE WITH THE PARAZONA RESEARCH INVESTIGATION RULES & PROTOCOLS (Copy available on the message board). Please read and reply to it. <br> <br>As a member, you are expected to participate at least once every 3 months in research and investigations. <br> <br>After each investigation, you will have 10-20 days to turn in at least a two-paragraph report summarizing your experience and include any EVPs or possible evidence to give to the client. Failure to turn in timely reports will cause your removal from future investigations. <br> <br>We will all have different methods of research. Each member must have respect for others. <br> <br>WHAT TO EXPECT~WHAT WE EXPECT FROM YOU: <br>1.Experience. We would prefer that you have been investigating the paranormal for quite a while. We want everyone on the team to have a good solid foundation in this field. <br> <br>2.Dedication and Loyalty. We require that people make a firm commitment to our team. Which means if you are available once every other month minimum, and if you sign up – you attend! Pretty much every serious group in this field operates this way. That is not to say you can't investigate every now and then with other groups, but we want to know we can rely on you. <br> <br>3.Reviewing Evidence. If you go on an investigation and don't review your evidence, or submit it, you really aren't helping the team. The whole point of these investigations is to capture evidence and share it. So after investigations, submit your EVPs, pictures, personal experiences etc. - email them to the organizer. <br> <br>4.Consistent Attendance. This is very important. We don't expect you to come to every event of course, but those that are serious about working as a team will come to as many as possible. This kind of ties into the Dedication and Loyalty part. <br> <br>5.Equipment. We believe strongly in having as much equipment as possible, as to better our chances of capturing the evidence we seek. Every ParaZona investigator should have a decent "arsenal" of gear to bring. Video cameras, laptops, still cameras, EVP recorders, EMF meters, thermometers, etc. If you are truly serious about paranormal investigation, you will invest in some gear to help you. <br> <br>6.Activity and Motivation. We want our investigators to actively participate with investigations. Engage in EVP sessions, set up cameras down hallways, make an attempt to debunk phenomena. Don't just sit quietly and not "do anything". Investigate and participate. Make yourself useful to the investigation. <br> <br>7.Teamwork Skills. You must be able to work well with others. It's very important we maintain a friendly, harmonious atmosphere and we expect everyone to bring their positive selves to our events. Don't be disruptive or rude. Do your best to connect well with your teammates and leave a positive impression on them. Befriend your teammates and make them your friend since you will be working intimately with them. You need to "click" with others and not be an outsider. <br> <br>8.Common Sense. The way ParaZona approaches the paranormal is with skepticism, experimenting, and a down-to-earth scientific perspective. This does not mean we don't have room for sensitives in this group, but we frown on "dramatic" styles of investigating or where people assume everything is paranormal or freak out over things. We want our clients and colleagues to respect us and not look upon as some crazy circus troupe. <br>_____________________________________________ <br> <br>MISSION STATEMENT <br> <br>To investigate claims of paranormal activity by collecting and critically analyzing data as a team and researching the history of the site. <br> <br>To educate clients on the known and supposed aspects of paranormal activity, as well as reveal mundane explanations for non-paranormal occurrences. <br> <br>To pursue education in the paranormal field, so as to be the best prepared to understand and explain paranormal phenomena we encounter. <br> <br>To provide professional investigations at sites with suspected paranormal activity at no cost or compensation of any kind. <br> <br>To share any exceptional discovery with other groups if it could benefit the paranormal scientific community. <br> <br>To educate the general public on the subject of the paranormal. <br>