What we’re about
This is a group for parents, step parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and other family members and or friends who have experienced any form of Parental Alienation. This group was started for folks seeking group support, free education and advocacy opportunities. We have multiple group meetings weekly on zoom.
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- Parental alienation NEW COMERS support group meetingLink visible for attendees
Welcome to the Parental Alienation Anonymous community.
Please go to our website pa-a.org and sign and fill in the contact page. You will receive an automated email immediately, please check your spam if you don’t see the email. It will contain all meeting times and links as well as a link to community resources, PDFs about our support groups and other valuable information.
If you are new to our community you are welcome at any meeting. The topics vary and we suggest trying several meetings to find the ones that resonate with you. We have 14 meetings a week all on zoom. The community is incredibly robust and includes folks from all over the world.
PA-A is a support group for people struggling with varying degrees of alienation, estrangement and erasure from their children, grandchildren, parents and other members of their extended family. This also includes previously alienated children. Meetings usually have 20-40 people attending. You can choose to have your camera on or off and participate or just listen.
PA-A is designed to support people in different phases of the alienation continuum, from those with absolutely no contact, to partial contact and to members who have reestablished regular contact. We are all struggling in unique ways. Our individual struggles all have common intersections, and it is this that brings us together to start the healing process.
We are a 12-step community. What this means is we are recovery based. We concentrate on working on solutions to our emotional, spiritual and physical challenges that arise out of alienation and all of our relationships. There are a lot of facebook groups and other resources out there. We differ considerably as we have a framework (Allanon) that has worked for over 70 years for people struggling with all sorts of interpersonal relationships. We have adapted this program for alienation.
The meetings have structure, a leader and a secretary that maintain safety and consistency. We use a timer so no one person can dominate a meeting. We also share in a way that supports and uplifts our community. This is really useful if you feel stuck, hopeless and alone. It keeps us out of the spiral of alienation and gives us a way out.
Some people think once their alienated child or family member is back in their lives that reconnection will be a relatively smooth process, but the reality is that recovery is a lifelong journey. As PA-A grows in numbers and strength, we will learn how to heal and thrive as a community. Some of the greatest support I receive is in my daily integration of rebuilding a relationship with one of my daughters.
We as a community have had so many success stories of people reuniting and more importantly seeing people in early stages that have some contact with their loved ones deepen and heal before full on alienation sets in.
Please send any questions to parentalalienationanonymous@gmail.com
Welcome and we hope to see you in the rooms!!
- Parental Alienation support group meeting on zoomLink visible for attendees
Welcome to the Parental Alienation Anonymous community.
Please go to our website pa-a.org and sign and fill in the contact page. You will receive an automated email immediately, please check your spam if you don’t see the email. It will contain all meeting times and links as well as a link to community resources, PDFs about our support groups and other valuable information.
If you are new to our community you are welcome at any meeting. The topics vary and we suggest trying several meetings to find the ones that resonate with you. We have 14 meetings a week all on zoom. The community is incredibly robust and includes folks from all over the world.
PA-A is a support group for people struggling with varying degrees of alienation, estrangement and erasure from their children, grandchildren, parents and other members of their extended family. This also includes previously alienated children. Meetings usually have 20-40 people attending. You can choose to have your camera on or off and participate or just listen.
PA-A is designed to support people in different phases of the alienation continuum, from those with absolutely no contact, to partial contact and to members who have reestablished regular contact. We are all struggling in unique ways. Our individual struggles all have common intersections, and it is this that brings us together to start the healing process.
We are a 12-step community. What this means is we are recovery based. We concentrate on working on solutions to our emotional, spiritual and physical challenges that arise out of alienation and all of our relationships. There are a lot of facebook groups and other resources out there. We differ considerably as we have a framework (Allanon) that has worked for over 70 years for people struggling with all sorts of interpersonal relationships. We have adapted this program for alienation.
The meetings have structure, a leader and a secretary that maintain safety and consistency. We use a timer so no one person can dominate a meeting. We also share in a way that supports and uplifts our community. This is really useful if you feel stuck, hopeless and alone. It keeps us out of the spiral of alienation and gives us a way out.
Some people think once their alienated child or family member is back in their lives that reconnection will be a relatively smooth process, but the reality is that recovery is a lifelong journey. As PA-A grows in numbers and strength, we will learn how to heal and thrive as a community. Some of the greatest support I receive is in my daily integration of rebuilding a relationship with one of my daughters.
We as a community have had so many success stories of people reuniting and more importantly seeing people in early stages that have some contact with their loved ones deepen and heal before full on alienation sets in.
Please send any questions to parentalalienationanonymous@gmail.com
Welcome and we hope to see you in the rooms!!
- Parental Alienation support group meeting on zoomLink visible for attendees
Please click the link below, it will take you to the contact page on our website. Fill in the contact info and you will receive an automated welcome email with all the meeting times/links and information.
or email parentalalienationanonymous@gmail.com for meeting info
It is suggested to try 5-6 support group meetings before you make a decision if the meetings are supportive and useful to you. There are 8 meetings during the week with slightly different topics and people at each meeting.
This is a PARENTAL ALIENATION 12 STEP support group meeting.
If you feel like you are always explaining your alienation story, if you fell that close family and friends don't really get it, if you are looking for a safe place to have a shared reality with other folk struggling and if you are looking for tools to support and resource yourself this is a great meeting for you.
The meetings over the last several months have been transformative for me. I have friends now that understand what I am going through and there is no need to explain my vocabulary. There is someone that is or has gone through the same thing as me. I am not isolating as much and feel resourced to show up in my life to a degree I haven't felt in along time.
If you are new to support group meetings I will give you a 2 minute narrative of what to expect. We meet on zoom with or without a camera on. It is suggested to have your camera on.
There is a meeting leader and secretary that run the meeting. The leader reads an intro and then shares on PA or a related topic for 3-5 minutes. After that there is a quick secretary report and then the meetings is opened for all to share. Some folks share, some folks just listen, there is no wrong or right way.
These are closed (alienated folks only) meeting for parents, step parents, grand parents, uncles, aunts and any other family or friends struggling with any form of alienation.
Please message me with any questions parentalalienationanonymous@gmail.com or go to pa-a.org to register for a weekly email with meeting times, locations and links. This will save you having to check your meetup inbox for a link.
I suggest coming 10minutes early to hang out informally before the meeting starts. It a great time to connect and hopefully chuckle a couple of times.
Hope to see you at a meeting.
- Parental alienation support group meetingLink visible for attendees
Welcome to the Parental Alienation Anonymous community.
Please go to our website pa-a.org and sign and fill in the contact page. You will receive an automated email immediately, please check your spam if you don’t see the email. It will contain all meeting times and links as well as a link to community resources, PDFs about our support groups and other valuable information.
If you are new to our community you are welcome at any meeting. The topics vary and we suggest trying several meetings to find the ones that resonate with you. We have 14 meetings a week all on zoom. The community is incredibly robust and includes folks from all over the world.
PA-A is a support group for people struggling with varying degrees of alienation, estrangement and erasure from their children, grandchildren, parents and other members of their extended family. This also includes previously alienated children. Meetings usually have 20-40 people attending. You can choose to have your camera on or off and participate or just listen.
PA-A is designed to support people in different phases of the alienation continuum, from those with absolutely no contact, to partial contact and to members who have reestablished regular contact. We are all struggling in unique ways. Our individual struggles all have common intersections, and it is this that brings us together to start the healing process.
We are a 12-step community. What this means is we are recovery based. We concentrate on working on solutions to our emotional, spiritual and physical challenges that arise out of alienation and all of our relationships. There are a lot of facebook groups and other resources out there. We differ considerably as we have a framework (Allanon) that has worked for over 70 years for people struggling with all sorts of interpersonal relationships. We have adapted this program for alienation.
The meetings have structure, a leader and a secretary that maintain safety and consistency. We use a timer so no one person can dominate a meeting. We also share in a way that supports and uplifts our community. This is really useful if you feel stuck, hopeless and alone. It keeps us out of the spiral of alienation and gives us a way out.
Some people think once their alienated child or family member is back in their lives that reconnection will be a relatively smooth process, but the reality is that recovery is a lifelong journey. As PA-A grows in numbers and strength, we will learn how to heal and thrive as a community. Some of the greatest support I receive is in my daily integration of rebuilding a relationship with one of my daughters.
We as a community have had so many success stories of people reuniting and more importantly seeing people in early stages that have some contact with their loved ones deepen and heal before full on alienation sets in.
Please send any questions to parentalalienationanonymous@gmail.com
Welcome and we hope to see you in the rooms!!