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What we’re about

We are a group of free-thinking families looking to build a community free from religion and supernaturalism. We welcome all labels of free-thought – Atheists, Agnostics, Humanists, Skeptics, Brights, etc. – who share the common goal of teaching our children to embrace the scientific world view as a way of understanding the universe. Parenting without religious dogma is an ongoing challenge. How do we prepare our children to cope with religiously-based social conventions that surround us, from the assumption that "God bless you" is the required response to a sneeze, to the invocation of a deity in the Pledge of Allegiance, to negative assumptions about secular living that are routinely presented in the media?

We are interested in creating a community and building strong friendships while at the same time giving back to the communities in which we live via volunteering and community activities. We invite those families interested in gathering regularly for picnics, hiking, camping, park play-dates, volunteer work, parents' nights out, Moms' nights out, Dads' nights out, and any other events that we all create together. We can share information about secular parenting challenges, while at the same time discussing lighter topics like the latest movie or the finer points of an Australian red wine.

Most of us are centrally located, however we welcome members throughout the county, and will have events located throughout the county as well.

Please provide us with your name, your partner's name (if applicable), children's names and ages, a family photo, what area you live in, events/outings/gatherings you would like to see, and a telephone number at which you can be reached (preferably a cell phone) in the rare event of last-minute changes/emergencies (this is a private group, so #'s are private). Also please let us know if you have memberships to museums, parks, etc. as that will help us to plan outings to those places. Lastly, please tell us something about yourself.
Attendance is very important: To ensure our goal of creating a free-thinking community, we ask that you plan to attend an event at least once per month. In addition, we ask that you RSVP to events and update your RSVP in as timely a manner as possible.