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What we’re about

Our group supports and celebrates the participation of Portland's Black community members in Portland's professional community. Black women, nonbinaries, and men. Black immigrants and nonimmigrants. We have regular public networking and speaker-focused events.

All are welcome. Please especially keep in mind that we have Black centered and uplifting conversations in our Slack Channel.
Looking forward to working with the community of other meetup groups...including LGTBQIA, women, Latinx, students, vets, and other tech fans. 

We help our members to interview and continue to prepare for top companies in Portland. We also enable learning and career development. We lately serve more of the STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Art Math) ecosystem in Portland, particularly volunteering with students.

Friends and Supporters are welcome to all events. 

Donate to us here:

Be sure to join BIT as an official member at It's free to join and members receive free and discounted products, services, and training resources.