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What we’re about

Hello friends,
Welcome to the Embracing Your Shadow and Loving Your Inner Child Group.

Important, please read until the end.

This is not a normal kind of meet-up. You need to register and apply here for it before, being accepted into the group.

It is not for everyone. It is for people who already have experience practicing meditation, inner work or some form of therapy and want to go deeper into their healing journey.
If you don't feel comfortable or are just starting out this might not be the right group for you.

We go really deep in these sessions through profound meditations, inner child healing and non-dual practices. I make sure it is a very healing, safe and peaceful environment for everyone.

Some say it is the most healing group experience they have ever been part of :).
If you want to be part of it you can sign up here and request to join. I will respond to you within 24-48 hours and accept you if it feels like a good fit.