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What we’re about

Welcome to our Peer Support Group for Reiki Practitioners and Students! This nurturing and empowering community is dedicated to fostering a sense of belonging, growth, and encouragement for all Reiki enthusiasts.

Whether you are an experienced Reiki practitioner or just starting on your journey, this group provides a safe and supportive space for sharing experiences, learning from one another, and celebrating the profound healing power of Reiki.


Our group's primary purpose is to offer a platform where Reiki practitioners and students can connect, engage, and collaborate with like-minded individuals. We understand that the path of healing and self-discovery can sometimes be solitary, so our aim is to create a close-knit community where members can find inspiration, guidance, and understanding from their peers.

Guiding Principles:

1. Respect: We embrace and honor the diverse backgrounds and experiences of all members. We foster an environment where everyone is treated with respect, kindness, and empathy.

2. Sharing and Learning: Our group encourages open dialogue and the sharing of insights, challenges, and successes. Through this exchange of knowledge and experiences, we empower each other to deepen our understanding and practice of Reiki.

3. Confidentiality: We uphold the value of confidentiality, ensuring that all personal stories and experiences shared within the group remain private and safe.

4. Non-Judgment: We recognize that each individual's journey is unique, and we refrain from passing judgment on one another's beliefs or methods. Instead, we embrace curiosity and openness to explore different perspectives.
Group Activities:

The activities will be offered at various times each month. Visit the events time to find out when or visit

1. Monthly Discussion Circles: Engage in thoughtful discussions on various Reiki-related topics, such as energy healing techniques, chakra balancing, self-healing practices, and more.

2. Experience Sharing: Members are encouraged to share their personal experiences with Reiki, including healing stories, challenges faced, and breakthrough moments. This process not only provides support to the speaker but also offers valuable insights to others.

3. Meditation and Healing Circles: Come together for collective healing sessions, where we channel our collective energy to support each other and extend healing intentions to the broader community.

4. Workshops and Skill-Sharing Sessions: Experienced practitioners can conduct workshops to share advanced Reiki techniques and practices with fellow members, enhancing everyone's skillset.

5. Resource Sharing: Discover and exchange useful resources, including books, articles, online courses, and reputable Reiki teachers and mentors.

6. Private WhatsApp Group

Join Us:
Whether you are seeking guidance in your Reiki journey, looking to expand your knowledge, or simply wish to connect with a community that understands and shares your passion for energy healing, we welcome you to join our Peer Support Group for Reiki Practitioners/Students.

Together, we can create a nurturing and empowering space for mutual growth and healing.

If you’d like to offer an event please send me a message and we can meet virtually to discuss your offerings.