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Singletons vs. Shenanigators Mini-Golf Grudge Match

Photo of Randy
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Singletons vs. Shenanigators Mini-Golf Grudge Match


The long-awaited grudge match between Pensacola's two premier singles groups will take place Saturday, June 8 at Goofy Golf on Navy Blvd.

I'm not sure what trash talk sounds like in mini-golf, but I'm sure there will be plenty of it.

I'll provide more information on costs as we get closer to the event.

POLICY UPDATE: The membership philosophy of Pensacola Singletons is simple: WE WELCOME EVERYONE. Throughout our 45-year history we have prided ourselves on being welcoming and inclusive, and our membership process is transparent. We don't reject people for arbitrary reasons (or no reasons at all), and in the rare cases in which we ask someone to leave, we explain why and provide due process. Please contact Randy or Barb if you have questions.

Photo of Pensacola Singletons group
Pensacola Singletons
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Goofy Golf of Pensacola
3924 W Navy Blvd · Pensacola, FL
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