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What we’re about

We organize events where one on one converstaions take place, part of the time in one language and an equal amount of time in another. One of the speakers is a native of the language spoken. Come to the meetup and offer something in your native language. A story, an opinion, a poem, a song, a short play, a game... anything goes! Get creative and make it interactive. Then become a learner and be guided by a native speaker of the language you are interested in learning through the activity they bring to the meetup.  And then get with the technology and do all of this from wherever in the world you may be!

We believe that THEATER is a great way to improve language... therefore, be prepared to READ (not memorize) parts in short plays. We will record them and upload them to the Files section of the group. Drop by frequently and get involved. It is all free!!! (well, for now, anyway)