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What we’re about

Want to be a part of a musician group with a great vibe, great support no judgement? That's us. We are the Philly Musical Achievers.

We don't care how well you play, just that you want to join in, have fun and even make some new friends. We don't care if you make mistakes, play the wrong chords or sing out of tune, just show up and do the best you can! What we do care about are your goals; whether you want to get over performance anxiety, become better at your instrument or find other people with whom to play music. This formula has worked incredibly well since we started in 2013!
Many strong friendships have been made in this group, bands have formed and many musicians who did not know each other prior to joining this group have shared the stage together during open mics, both at our meet ups and at other venues!
Our meetups are sometimes a bit mellow, sometimes chaotic and everything in between, but we like it that way! It is like a party with a bunch of cool musicians! We have an awesomely diverse membership and cover just about every genre of music.
Come give us a try! We look forward to meeting you!
We do have some basic, but important rules!

  1. If you RSVP for an event that has a waiting list and you do not show up, that is a No-Show. Three of those will get you banned from the group. That may seem harsh but it is unfair to not show up when others were on a waiting list. If you can't make it, you need to change your RSVP to open up a slot for someone who will attend.
  2. For our open mics, we expect you to watch and support the other acts. You can prepare for your turn when the act before you is performing. Also, do not play and immediately leave. As stated above, we are about supporting each other.
  3. We often have a LOT of performers and we want to get them all to be able to perform, so when it is your turn at an open mic, please be ready to play.
  4. If you want to be on the open mic list, you need to be present. Names will not be put on the list for anyone who is running late or otherwise.