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What we’re about

1.Are you Divorced/Separated/Widowed?
2. Do you live in Bangalore, India?
3. Do you want to connect with others with similar life experiences to socialize and make friends.
4. Post-divorce/Separation, do you want to build a community for you and your kids

Please check

If your answer is YES to all of the above, please join us!
FYI, 95% of the members are from South Asian origin.
Let's get together for a better life post divorce, separation, or loss of spouse. We know how hard life can be during and after such life changing experience for us and our kids. We know it’s not easy to feel this pain and grief for those who didn't travel this path and not even our close family/friends. We will organize events that will help us support each other. If you have kids, we know how important it must be for you to support them. If you do not have kids, you are probably lonely and can find friends here. It's a new beginning to a beautiful life.
We host dinners, movies, hiking, clubbing, dancing, singing, picnics, kids, and cultural events. If you would like to see any events of your interest, please share your ideas with the organizers. You are also welcome to host any events you like. We encourage and appreciate the initiative to keep the group engaged and energized.

Group guidelines:
1. This is a support group, NOT a dating group.
2. Post and Share anything you like.. We maintain a “respectful to ALL” and a fun 🕺🏽💃🏽environment. This is critical.
3. Please avoid sending a private message to any member before meeting them in events. If member request to stop, please respect that.
4. Please avoid religious and political discussions in the group. We have people from very diverse backgrounds.
5. If you want to host any event, please lemme know and I can make you event organizer in meetup .just avoid any scheduling conflicts with other events 🙏

Policy on members Ex wife/husband : 
1. If your ex in the group, the following policy will apply.
a. All our active members are in Phirse WhatsApp community. Active member will stay in Phirse.
b. If both members are not in WhatsApp group, then whoever joins meetup earlier will stay.
c. If both members are in whatsApp community, whoever joined the meetup first will stay.
d. However, if both ex OK to have each other in Phirse , we are OK provided their relationship does not impact Phirse environment in a negative way.


You agree when you join this group or any of the events connected with Phirse that you have read and understand the below.
If you and your guests join us for any event, please understand that you are responsible for your own preparedness and well-being and will hold no one else liable in case of injury or mishap. You agree not to hold the Administrators, Event Hosts, Organizers or any other Phirse members responsible for any injuries, mishaps, or any other situation that may happen at a planned event. You are responsible to research the event, know the area, and bring the proper gear.
Phirse does not provide liability insurance for the protection of individuals who may participate in any Phirse events including Phirse Hiking event. We are a support group of like minded individuals. Your attendance on a hike signifies that you have read and accept the terms of this liability waiver. By attending any happening with Phirse Hiking group or going to any Phirse event you understand that you are attending all events at your own risk.
This release extends and applies to, and also covers and includes, all unknown, unforeseen, unanticipated and unsuspected injuries, damages, loss and liability including acts of nature.
By joining any Phirse event, you (Phirse event attendee and guests) hereby irrevocably and unconditionally release Phirse Administrators, Event Hosts, Organizers or any other Phirse members from any and all charges, complaints, claims, liabilities, obligations, promises, agreements, controversies, damages or causes of action, suits, rights, demands, costs, losses, debts and expenses (including attorneys’ fees and costs incurred) of any nature whatsoever, known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, relating to the Phirse Event.

By Joining Phirse group you agree to all our terms and conditions mentioned above. If you do not agree please do not join the group.