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What we’re about

This group is intended for survivors of suicide attempt. This is a safe space to talk about your experience with surviving a suicide attempt- please note this group is not for family members or others affected by a suicide- This group is intended for the survivor themselves. I feel like there are a lot of groups to support family members or friends that have lost a loved one, but unfortunately there aren't any groups for survivors themselves. Navigating the process of surviving an attempt is personally one of the hardest things I have ever done- I can't find any groups for survivors and while I am so lucky & grateful to be alive, it has been the most isolating, lonely experience to try to cope with. This group is for survivors who just want to vent, express & talk about the complex emotions that arise when surviving an attempt. Please only attend if you yourself are a survivor. I've learned alot from surving an attempt and this is intended to be a safe place to express lessons learned along the way, process feelings & have those deep & uncomfortable conversations about it all.