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Advanced study group: Quantum Field Theory

Photo of Yevgeny
Hosted By
Yevgeny and Mak
Advanced study group: Quantum Field Theory


(Returning physicists: See below for this week's homework.)
This is an advanced study group for folks committed to learning quantum field theory rigorously. Everyone with an undergraduate background in math or physics is welcome to attend. Before you sign up, please make sure you’re comfortable with multivariable integration, partial differential equations, and other concepts taught in upper division undergraduate math courses.

This is not a casual discussion or philosophy group; we’re here to study, solve problems, and get an operative insider’s knowledge of the fundamentals of QFT as it is used in contemporary physics research. If you’re not able to dedicate time between each session to work on problems, this is not the event for you.

Our primary text is Lancaster & Blundell‘s Quantum Field Theory for the Gifted Amateur. Each semiweekly meeting consists of a continuous rotation of group members volunteering to teach approximately one chapter of material at a time, followed by problem solving and open discussion.

If you're a first-time visitor to this event or the Physics With Friends community – please know that you are very strongly encouraged to come join us even if you feel like you're too far behind. Our events are specifically structured to accommodate new people joining us at any point along our studies.

In addition to the live group discussions over Zoom, we also maintain a chat server for staying in touch between meetups. Ask us for a link.

This event joins our other existing collaborative study tracks. Please note that this particular meetup series is a serious study group for math and physics enthusiasts who are interested in learning the material deeply. It is not a general discussion group. For casual physics chat, please attend our regular Monthly Physics Discussion event, held every third Wednesday.


This week's suggested homework:

  • Watch this space for changes. Homework for the next session is usually posted within 24 hours after the end of the last session.
  • If you are new here, ignore the above and just read Chapters 0 and 1 and come to the meetup!
Photo of Physics With Friends group
Physics With Friends
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Every 2 weeks on Sunday

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