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What we’re about

"Dialogue is the pathway to truth." Jordan Peterson

We are inspired by Jordan Peterson's love of humanity, call for personal responsibility, and belief that as imperfect humans we can "transcend all that and set things straight."

If you follow or are curious about Jordan Peterson and the principles he upholds, this group is for you. If you value Canadian freedoms of thought, belief, opinion and expression – come join in to share new ideas and challenge destructive, divisive ones. We connect, discuss and debate in a fun atmosphere.

Every time we listen to or watch Jordan Peterson, we immediately want to discuss what he's said. Why not do that over a beer? Why not do it with more people who enjoy the same?

Big movements often start small. Let's meet, talk, and see where it leads. For the first few gatherings, Katherine and Colleen will create a bit of structure and kick off the discussions.

Our discussion group adheres to and upholds the MeetUp Community Standards:

  1. Be welcoming. Cultivate a space driven by kindness and respect.
  2. Be real. Act with integrity and honesty.
  3. Be impactful. Contribute to the discussion and listen.
  4. Be spirited. Show up with an openness to diverse perspectives and lively debate.
  5. Be thoughtful. Challenge ideas, not people.

This group has managed to attract amazing members who demonstrate they are a fit with these principles. They make the meetings fun, thoughtful, and meaningful.

"Truth, virtue, and courage are not necessarily enough, but they are our best bet."
Jordan Peterson

Hope to see you there!

Upcoming events (4+)

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