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If you're a woman with marriage exper. wanting major positive impact...

From: gary
Sent on: Thursday, December 5, 2013, 3:04 PM
Our startup, CoupleWise, in MVP, with almost proof of concept is seeking to get balance our male dominated team for an upcoming
brainstorm product roadmap session to figure out ways to make us lots more engaging in the next 3-6months.
What we now have going for us (5 of top 10 to keep this short):

> seedfunded, and close to major funding
> 95% of couples surveyed (small N so far) say we've improved their relationships
> only app in this space dealing with the hard stuff, science-based, scalable, therapeutically effective, tapping the wisdom of not just the best therapists, but the wisest couples
-couples who've been through what you're going through, and succeeded
> three of the nation's top couple therapists and researchers on our board of advisers
> huge untapped blue ocean market: 10s of millions of couples in USA alone who are bored and/or unhappy who cannot afford or won't trust a therapist
who would use and pay at least $20/mo for an app that can offer what ours will offer

Minimum time commitment: 
One three hour session, preferably two

What's In It for YOU:
1) good foot in door to become our UI/UX designer or VP of Prod Dev if qualified
2) chance to help co-create something that ultimately might prevent oceans of suffering for millions of couples and families
3) the joy of co-creating 
4) the opp to help move technology from its 18 year obsession with materialism and distraction, an obsession which has not made us happier, but instead made most of less happy
and more disconnected than ever before, to using technology instead to what really makes us truly and deeply happy: to helping us strengthen, deepen and nourish the main predictor of happiness (once  our bio needs are met): how well we love and are loved by those closest to us.
5) consultant pay once we get our first round funding

Yours truly, work'n for health and love, 
Gary Krane PhD, CCO/cofounder, Relationship Technologies & (future feeder site)

"Science & Technology-based nurturing for couples", "All Relationships Can Be Better(TM)", "Making Needed Honesty Easier (TM)"
[masked], cell:[masked]  Skype: GaryLKrane  8am-10:30pmPST 

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