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What we’re about

Hello! Playgroup Singapore is a community for parents (or soon-to-be parents) and young children ages 0-5. If raising a joyful child is your priority then we would love to meet you! We believe in raising a mentally and physically happy baby! Some of the philosophy we subscribe to are child-led, respectful parenting, Montessori, Reggio-emilia. This community is started by an enthusiastic new mom who loved her new role so much and she cant wait to meet other like-minded and like-hearted parents and for her baby to meet other wonderful babies too!
Meetups are available in English or Mandarin so feel free to join us at either or both the languages to enrich your child’s linguistic connections!
Events are hosted around Singapore outdoors or indoors. Unless stated otherwise, all events are parent(s) accompanied. A typical session will be kept small to maximize the parent/child's comfort level and enhance quality interactions of the group.

We look forward to meeting you and your child soon!