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Join me at Hack and Play- Arcade games, Internet of Things & more

From: user 1.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 3, 2015, 5:17 PM
Hi folks,

I wanted to personally invite you to a hackathon that I am managing - which involves playing with arcade games.

The Bay Tek Hack and Play on Feb. 28 to March 1 will take place at Plug and Play in Redwood City. Using the Bay Tek machines (Flappy BirdPrize Hub, Piano Keys) and with the DQuid SDK, you can form a team and develop the next greatest arcade game innovation. 

This is a free event with lots of great prizes and activities involved throughout the weekend. Prizes include an incubation opportunity and a booth to showcase your project at The Amusement Expo, plus gift card giveaways too. 

This is your chance to bring your awesome game prototype to life, meet industry mentors and investors, and make an impact in arcade family entertainment! 

It's going to be a really fun weekend :)


Kasey Eggert

Community Manager at BeMyApp | San Francisco | Paris | Berlin | @bemyapp | [masked]

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