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What we’re about

Welcome Chattanooga podcasters!

The PodNooga Network (a part of Chattanooga Podcast Studios) is a collection of podcasts based in Chattanooga. While there is an official membership process for the actual network, we also host plenty of events that are free and open to the public.

One of those is PodChatt! PodChatt is an informal monthly discussion group for podcasters in the Chattanooga area interested in sharing best practices on a variety of topics, including:
·       content creation
·       guest curation
·       planning/calendaring
·       marketing/advertising
·       income generation
·       interviewing
·       storytelling
·       technical resources
·       and more!

Less “how to” and more “how to do it better."

Meeting dates – Second week of every month (ish)
Timeframe, location, and in-person or virtual format will be announced prior to each meeting

Upcoming events (3)

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