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From: Nathan M. R.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 19, 2016, 4:47 PM

DEAR 757 POETRY COMMUNITY - THE JAVA OPEN MIC IS TAKING A SABBATICAL!!! Synnika Lofton and Nathan Richardson have been co-hosting the Java Open Mic for the past 12 years. During that time we have had the honor of bringing  hundreds - if not thousands of poets to the mic to share their  creativity. The event started at the Java Junction Cafe and changed locations a couple of times until landing at the Greenbrier Library. EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY: The JAVA OPEN MIC IS SUSPENDED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE!  We are happy to be handing the torch to a community of poets and writers much stronger than when we started.  In our absence you still have some awesome choices to get your poetry fix on >>> Please check this web site for literary events in the 757 & 804 =