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Wondering Poet

From: Mary S.
Sent on: Wednesday, April 20, 2016, 7:28 AM
Dear Poets,
Not sure why our meetings are now ended.  I am bummed!!  I could finally go this month
and now no meeting!  I realize there are other options out there, but some have a charge
and are far away.  Could we still get together and someone else (or maybe myself) run it?
I could possibly do it with another person as I cannot always make the Wed nite (unless
we change it to another nite or another Wed of the month.  I hope all poets find another
venue to continue sharing their work, as Poetry can be such a strong voice and we need
our voices heard!!  Love you all and will miss this, even though I only was able to go a
couple of times, I know some of you went for years.  So if someone is interested in
connecting with me regarding keeping it going on Wed., send me an email. Thanks.
Have a blessed day,
Mary Stasko
Sent from Windows Mail

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