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What we’re about

If you lead or are a member of a grass roots organization and would like to list your events here, please join and send a request to the organizer.


This Meetup Group is a gateway to a dynamic community of individuals who are interested in learning about the world of politics. If you believe that active engagement in the political process is the key to creating real change, whether you're a seasoned political advocate or just starting your journey, please join Political Town Square.

Local Focus: Political Town Square is all about empowering grassroots organizations that care about local issues. We provide a platform for these groups to share their insights, educate members, and inspire meaningful discussions.

Knowledge Exchange: This group is designed to be interactive and informative. You'll have the opportunity to learn more about politics in general, from the basics to the nuances. Discussions will be enlightening, respectful, and thought-provoking.

Building Community: Engaging in politics is not just about policies; it's about connecting with like-minded individuals who share your values. Here, you'll find a welcoming community that fosters collaboration, idea-sharing, and camaraderie.

Making an Impact: Beyond discussions, we're committed to translating ideas into action. We'll explore ways to get involved, from volunteering to advocating for change, and explore avenues for active participation in the process of self-governance.

Whether you're a curious learner, a local activist, or someone eager to ignite positive change, you have a place here.