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What we’re about

Who We Are!
A brand new social group run by, and only for autistic adults. The other group (DoP) hasn't met since September, so we're starting a new group. Nothing wrong with joining both!

We will get together weekly, usually at a coffee shop, a counter service restaurant, a library, community center, just to hang out and talk about whatever we feel like.

The group is for independent autistics 18 and up. We are open to self-diagnosed, peer confirmed members as well as those diagnosed by a professional diagnostician.

We are a social group with an emphasis on making friends, and talking about the things that only we really get.

There aren't many rules but these are important:

1. If you're ill, please skip the current meetup! There will be another next week.

2. Touch others only after getting consent. Many of us are touch sensitive or touch averse, while others enjoy hugs. Please ask each time before touching anyone.

3. Parents and caregivers of autistic adults, Please note: ONLY autistic adults may apply to join the group. This group is for us and by us. If you are not on the autism spectrum, please ask the autistic adult to create their own profile, and request to join the group. If you need more information or have questions, please send us a message.