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What we’re about

"Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book." - Anonymous.
Come join our book club if you like reading a wide range of lgbt+ books! Every month we read one or two books featuring prominent queer characters and themes. Our selection is not restricted by genre, but a combination of young adult, new adult, fantasy and science fiction, memoirs, essays, etc. (If you have a favorite book you want to talk about, message me and I'll add it to our list—I'm always looking for good recommendations!) 
We are meeting virtually for the foreseeable future, so please feel welcome to join even if you don’t live locally. Finishing the book is not required to attend a meeting: as mentioned, we read a wide variety of genres and not everyone likes everything, not everyone has time, etc. We do still discuss the whole book, so heads up for spoilers, but please feel welcome to stop by a meeting even if you haven't read the book!
If you would like to support the continued existence of this book club, please donate! Meetup charges $100 every 6 months, and since we do not charge members to participate we rely entirely on donations, and since we have switched from in-person to virtual, donations have slowed down considerably. You can venmo me @Emi-Karydes or donate through meetup, but meetup does charge a 10% fee.
We have a discord server where we chat about everything and anything, network, and post non-book club related events! If you would like to join, come to a meeting (either in person or virtually) so we can get to know you!
We also have a list of the books that we've read in the past, if you're looking for some titles! Note: just because we read a book doesn't mean we liked it! Inclusion on this list is not an automatic endorsement of an author/work.

We practice the 4 Principles of a SAFE SPACE
Equalize the Space: Confidentiality – share stories and experiences, not names and gossip. Step-up/step-down – give space before you take space, and challenge yourself to step out of your pattern. Value and encourage risk taking, while maintaining everyone’s right to pass. Challenge the idea or the practice, not the person. Everyone has equal worth in this discussion.
Check Your Assumptions: No judgments or disclaimers (including self-judgments). Maintain gender neutrality in your language, and inquire about preferred pronouns. Treat everyone as an individual and not a representative of any specific group. Personalize your knowledge, don’t project it (i.e. use I statements). Believe in our common best intentions.
The Right to be Human: We all have the right to be human (i.e. inconsistent, emotional, triggered, etc. ). Avoid blaming people for the misinformation taught to them. Acknowledge emotions. Practice forgiveness.
Practice Consensual Dialogue: Active listening – attention focused, maintain appropriate eye contact, check your body language, take breaks only when you need to. Silence is okay – an unforced pace of dialogue is one into which people can step-up safely. Be sincere and consistent, practicing respectful honesty.
Zero Tolerance For Harassment
Harassment of any member on the basis of their race, religion, color, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, physical or mental disability will not be tolerated. This form of misconduct undermines morale and the integrity of the group.
Prohibited harassment includes unwelcome conduct that demeans or shows hostility or aversion towards an individual because of their status as noted above and which has the purpose or effect of creating a hostile, intimidating, or offensive group environment.
Examples of verbal harassment include but are not limited to:
• unwelcome comments
• jokes
• threats
• insults
• name-calling
• any other words and conduct that demean, stigmatize, intimidate, or single out a person because of his or her sex, race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability or other legally protected status.
Examples of physical or visual harassment include but are not limited to:
• unwelcome physical contact
• invading someone’s physical space
• any other offensive or demeaning act directed at someone because of his or her sex, race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability or other legally protected status

Any person exhibiting this behavior will be removed from the meetup.