You're welcome to join in on our monthly Rupert Spira / nondual discussion group.
After a short check in, and taking some time together to silently center, we generally start with watching a short clip of Ruperts from Youtube as he responds to a question at one of his retreats. Sometimes, we instead watch/ listen to one of his guided meditations.
This is not a class, but is a place for us to share our insights from nondual teachings and direct experience.
We meet at my house. Tea is available and some people choose to bring nibbles to share. (cookies, nuts, dried fruit, etc.) How's that for an invitation?!
This notice is for inviting new members. We already have a regular group who meets monthly who don't rsvp through this MeetUp forum. We welcome you!
You'll recognize my home from the street by seeing all the large trees in front wrapped with colorful ribbons.
We start at 12 and go until 3:30 at the latest. You can leave early if you need to. ;-)