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See all- Book club January meeting and bookNeeds location
Hello book lovers! Our January book is "The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek" An interesting historical fiction, Its available as a book and a movie -
The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek is a 2019 novel by Kim Michele Richardson. The story is a fictionalized account of real subjects in the history of eastern Kentucky. Cussy Mary is a "Book Woman" — one of the Packhorse Librarians who delivered books to remote areas of the Appalachian Mountains during the Great Depression, from 1935 to 1943, as part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Works Progress Administration (WPA) program. Cussy Mary is also a "Blue" — the last of a line of blue-skinned people, whose skin appears the unusual shade due to a rare genetic disorder. As a Book Woman, Cussy Mary is highly regarded, but as a Blue, she is feared and reviled, and experiences racism, discrimination and violence here's the link to a descriptionAddress will be given out about 1 week before the event so be on the lookout for a meetup message from Kathe S(meetup). Pls contact me or comment on the meetup site if you do not get the email as the system is a bit finicky.
Happy reading!