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What we’re about



"Bring in your goals and aspirations and we will use our group energy to Empower & Manifest our individual dreams together!"

We're an ongoing Spiritual Manifestation Support Group. Each month we will present a new lecture on Manifesting your Dreams through the guidance and power of the Higher Divine Self!   The Laws of Attraction are over 6000 years old having their basis in Ancient spiritual traditions that speak to the understanding that God dwells within us, as us. More than just positive thinking,  in our  Meet Up we will take a dynamic spiritual  approach to the Laws of Attraction, allowing our Divine Self to offer it's powerful guidance as to what is best for us in anything that we may ask for.   

By going deeply into our Spiritual Consciousness we can separate fact from fiction to come up with a grounded real world approach to the Laws of Attraction. We will utilize spiritual tools such as Psychic Intuitive Awareness, Angelic Guidance, Ancient Divination Systems and Meditation to learn how to tap into our Divine Selves to guide us more organically to the things we truly need, the places we truly need to go and the situations we truly need to draw to us for our success and abundance!

This will be an exploration that will lead us directly into Co-creatorship with our Higher Divine Self to become the Power Manifestors, that we are destined to be! 


"Apollo's class was Brilliant! Thanks so much Apollo!" Holly Mathews


"Apollo is truly a gifted Master Teacher." Jaquie  


How to Manifest your Desires*How to build your Spiritual Force*Step by Step Laws of Attraction*The Power of Thought *Changing Negative Thinking*How to create Positive Thinking* Entering into Co-creatorship with God*How to determine God's will from your own* How to work with your Higher Self* Finding your inner* How to become more intuitive* How to create a Vision* How to read the "signs"* Synchronicities & Serendipity* The Art of Vision Boarding* How to recognize "gut" feelings*And much much more!