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What we’re about

We offer the following in the Central FL area:

Group Meditation & Healing Circles, Introductory Classes, Special Events, Private Healings and Courses in Basic Pranic Healing (Level 1), Advanced Pranic Healing (Level 2) & Pranic Psychotherapy (Level 3). These courses are the foundation for becoming a Certified Pranic Healer, however classes are open to ANYONE with a desire to learn! The knowledge gained in one class will teach you how to heal yourself & others using simple no-touch energy techniques!

Advanced and Higher Courses taught by Master Pranic Healers are also offered here as well!

* CEU Credit Hours available to LMTs, Nurses, Acupuncturists & Mental Health Counselors * for some courses.

Come experience our group meditations for stress reduction, mental clarity, emotional well-being and physical healing. The Meditation on Twin Hearts is a very simple yet powerful tool to advance spiritual growth, improve relationships, open awareness, and cleanse and strengthen your chakras and aura. The effectiveness of the blessings is magnified exponentially when meditating as a group rather than as an individual. This extraordinary meditation is practiced worldwide and has been translated in over 20 languages!

Pranic Healing® is a highly evolved and tested no-touch system of energy medicine. It is currently being practiced in over 120 countries by doctors, athletes, psychologists, nurses, teachers and people of all faiths and backgrounds. Anyone can learn to heal themselves and others utilizing simple, scientifically-based protocols based upon ancient techniques. Pranic Healing has received much praise over the years from many well known individuals such as: Deepak Chopra, Dr. Mehmet Oz, Ricky Williams, Marianne Williamson, Carolyn Myss, Iyanla Vanzant and many others. Master Stephen Co was recently featured on Oprah's Meditation Series at The Pranic Healing Center of South Florida received government approval to conduct clinical trials on Veterans suffering from PTSD and traumatic brain injuries, and they have been doing so since August 2010 with great success! Over one million people have discovered renewed health, healing & vitality by using this comprehensive system.

"Prana" is Sanskrit for "life-force" energy which is also referred to as "Chi" or "Qi". Come and join us in blessing Mother Earth with loving-kindness, peace, joy and goodwill and enjoy the blessings that come to you as a result.

Atma Namaste!
(my higher self recognizes and respects the divinity in you)

Videos on Pranic Healing: (New Introduction)

(East Coast site led by Master Glenn Mendoza, MD & Master Marilag)
(West Coast site led by Master Co)
(Pranic Healing Master, teacher and author)
(description of Arhatic Yoga practice)
(PranaKids - teaches children about energy with music, mantras & meditation)

Upcoming events (4)

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