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What we’re about

There are many ways to end up in product management, but only one way to really master it: by continuously refining your skill set. This is why we launched our Product Academy. By empowering product people to explore their full potential, we help create truly learning, responsive and customer-centric organizations.
Stay up-to-date about our events and workshops on hot product topics such as Product Discovery, Product Roadmaps, Dealing with Tech Debt, Rapid Prototyping and many more.
Discuss your daily challenges regarding product leadership and connect with like-minded product people.
Check out our latest workshops online or apply for our 6-months part-time mentoring program LevelUp! in Berlin. 

Or apply as a speaker for one of our upcoming events:

We look forward to meeting you soon!
Tanja, Chiedza, Mafalda & Nico