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New Meetup: June[masked] Conscious Creation World Healing Meditation Ceremony

From: Patrick H.
Sent on: Friday, June 5, 2009, 4:10 PM
So Sorry I didn't schedule this earlier. I've been to busy with all the meetups! Hope to see you tomorrow for this amazing event! We had 125 people last month and expect a large turnout again.

Announcing a new Meetup for Monthly Full Moon World Healing Meditation Ceremony!

What: June[masked] Conscious Creation World Healing Meditation Ceremony

When: June 7,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: "CONSCIOUS CREATION"

SATURDAY JUNE 6 at 6:55 p.m.
at "The Onion" (Unitarian Church)
9550 Haskell Avenue in North Hills (formerly Sepulveda)
I-405 to Nordhoff. Go West to Haskell. Turn Right on Haskell and go exactly 1/2 mile on the right hand side, (just past Plummer and before Lassen). Click here for a map.
$10 suggested donation (or whatever is comfortable). SUM is a 501c3 non-profit organization and all donations are tax deductible.
For moreSpiritual Unity Movement information call toll free[masked]

The theme this month is CONSCIOUS CREATION. We are very excited to have JACKIE LAPIN as our keynote speaker this month speaking on TAKE CONTROL AND MANIFEST YOUR LIFE. Jackie is a pioneering spirit who has succeeded at the highest levels of at least three careers. She has been a highly successful media relations expert, who has handled publicity for such clients asToyota, The Golf Channel, the LA Marathon, Disney, Mazda, Avon, Showtime, PetSmart and more. Before that, she was one of the nation?s first women sportswriters, breaking barriers at the Detroit Free Press, Associated Press, Washington Post and LA Times. She has begun a new career ? as Earth?s Cheerleader, calling the planet?s people together to simultaneously mold and shape our future. Her book The Art of Conscious Creation; How You Can Transform the World teaches each of us how we can be the architect of own lives--how we can intentionally create the life we desire in the world that we yearn for. Jackie is also the proprietor of, the bookstore for the Conscious Creator the founder of Untied World Healing, a nonprofit that is uniting people and organizations in simultaneous, synchronized visions to heal the planet. She travels the world teaching Conscious Creation and speaking on the power of transformation. For more information on Jackie and her work, please visit

The special ceremonial music will be presented by the amazing David Zasloff. David Zasloff has been called one of the great performers of our time. David is considered to be a master of the Japanese shakuhachi flute, and as a multi-instrumentalist plays trumpet, piano, percussion, guitar, autoharp and shofar. He is an accomplished songwriter, film composer and has produced four CD?s as well as been the musical director for 14 HBO comedy channel shows and one Showtime Special. His music has also be heard on the T.V. show ?The Young and The Restless? Most recently David played shakuhachi flute on the multi million selling Linkin Park CD, ?Meteora.? For more information on David and his work, please visit

SUM MISSION STATEMENT: To celebrate the spiritual unity of all life through community meditation and education and to inspire and empower all who attend the World Healing Meditation Ceremonies with the life transforming experience of Healing, Oneness, and Unity. We are:

We meditate at the time of the full moon to be in harmony with ancient traditions honoring the sacred mother and natural rhythms of the universe. Each and every World Healing Ceremony includes an HONORING THE WORLD RELIGIONS CEREMONY, KEY NOTE SPEAKER, LIVE INSPIRATIONAL MUSIC, GUIDED MEDITATION, DEEP MEDITATION, and WORLD BLESSING RITUAL. And we have added a new feature, which is a 15 minute forum on the theme of the evening usually conducted by the key note speaker directly following the closing ritual.
Remember that you can submit healing requests at or by responding to this email. See the great pics from the last several ceremonies at

May your highest visions be fulfilled!


Patrick Harbula
[address removed]

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