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Saturday's Meetup

From: Mike O.
Enviado em: quinta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2009 22:28
Hello Denver WordPress and Social Media fans:

This Sat. is the next Denver WordPress and Social Media Meetup. The feedback has been great and we are improving the program every time.

This is the agenda for this month's Meetup. Some tweaks are still taking place.


10:00am - 10:15am ? Arrive, meet, greet

10:15am -10:45am ? Introductions, share with others what you can contribute

10:45am ? 11:00am ? WordPress demo (topic to be finalized), technical discussion

11:00am - 11:30am ? LinkedIn update, Facebook update, Twitter update

11:30am - 11:45pm ? Break

11:45am ? 12:15pm ? Wants and needs from members

12:15pm ? 1:00pm - Business applications of WordPress, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube

We are in the 5th Floor Party Room at my condo complex again. Refreshments will be provided.

It is very convenient to get to (in Windsor Condos on Larimer between 17th and 18th). Parking is $1/hr (quarters) on the street. We will have change here, but bring enough to get you started.

Mike O?Neil
President, Integrated Alliances
Twitter @mikeoneildenver

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