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Job offer: Distributed Systems Engineer at Vintra

From: Ignasi F.
Sent on: Saturday, June 9, 2018, 8:39 AM

Vintra is looking for a Distributed Systems Engineer. To apply, send your CV or LinkedIn link to: careers at

About Vintra
At Vintra we are making the world of video searchable, alertable, and intelligible, helping our customers “know what the cameras know”. Our researchers are developing and improving upon cutting-edge machine learning algorithms and techniques for video analytics, in order to surpass state-of-the-art results in performance and accuracy.  Our systems team is responsible for creating and maintaining our video analytics application, and packaging and deploying our machine learning models as part of our highly available, high-throughput, low-latency processing pipeline, in the cloud, on premises and at the edge.

Our machine learning team is based in Barcelona, Spain, and our systems engineering is in Barcelona and San Jose, California.  We are currently continuing to build out our technical team by attracting top engineers and researchers in both locations.  As a small team working on exciting problems in a rapidly growing industry, we offer the opportunity to make a significant impact working on extremely challenging real-world problems, alongside other smart, motivated coworkers, for actual paying customers.

  • Develop scalable, performant back-end components for real-world, large-scale problems
  • Work with researchers and other engineers to determine deployment strategies for ML models on GPU’s
  • Develop new platform functionality, and assist in the ongoing improvement of monitoring and management of our stack
  • Performance analysis and improvement of the system
  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Master’s degree preferred
  • 2+ years experience building large-scale server applications
  • Solid Python skills preferred; experience in other languages is a plus
  • Strong knowledge of data structures, algorithms, system design, complexity analysis
  • Strong problem-solving skills
  • Strong familiarity with databases (e.g. MongoDB) and container technologies (e.g. Kubernetes, Docker)
  • Results-driven, self-motivated, self-starter; excellent communication skills
  • Ability to work independently in a dynamic and fast-paced environment
  • Experience with agile software development methodologies
  • Plusses: familiarity with video processing; common ML frameworks such as TensorFlow or Caffe; CSharp (we have .NET integrations..); CUDA/ GPU programming/ deployment; interest in academic research
Salary Range:
30k-46k gross year, depending on candidate experience

If you are interested in joining us, please send your CV to [address removed]
