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From: David A.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 3:05 PM


our friends at StayAtHomeConf are doing a 100% remote conference, at Sunday, March 29.

Their Call for Proposals is open until Friday, March 20th. Help them by sending a talk proposal :)


> After all the measures taken by the coronavirus, several IT-related events have been canceled. Even so and considering that IT Community is used to work remotely, an opportunity was generated to continue creating events to enjoy from home.

> It all started with a tweet from Carles Nuñez, and then the BCN Eng community turned to help him to make it possible within this initial confinement period of two weeks.

> In just one weekend, it was possible to define the basics to carry out the event: equipment for the execution of streaming, web, twitter, sponsor communication, managers, documents, etc.

> The idea is to offer small 30-minute talks, including questions, so that those interested can interactively access them following the schedule published on the web, starting on Sunday 29 at 10 am until we finish with all the proposals, having the top the 06 pm.

> The talks will be related to topics of interest in the IT sector, which can range from how to work from home, team management, to more technical topics under a specific programming language, if people interested in explaining a topic do not have experience in giving this type of Talks from the organizing team will help both in the methodology and in the language (English or Spanish).

> It will be broadcast in streaming, so we have no limitation of attendees and we will be coordinated with speakers and ceremony masters to have the audience online throughout the event.

> We propose it as a platform to give voice to those people who believe they have something interesting to tell. For them, we have opened the C4P until next Friday 20 at 18.