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Problem with Django models

From: hugo b.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 31, 2018, 8:34 PM
Hi. My name is Hugo Bulnes

Is there anyone working with django?. I have an issue that I haven't 
been able to figure out. I wounder how can I share models between apps?. 
I'm new to django and for what I understand a django project is like a 
complete system and an app is like a functionality in the system. I'm 
creating several apps that will use the same table but when I'm creating 
the model and I try to migrate to the database I'm getting an error in 
regards to an existing table.

Another problem that I have is that I have two tables in my database and 
I'm connecting both tables with another table. I have problems with 
django because django creates an id column but not sure how to work with 
django without an id column.

Thank you for the help.

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