What we’re about
This is a regular show and tell for people taking advantage of various kinds of personal tracking - geotracking, life-logging, DNA sequencing, etc. - to gain more knowledge about themselves. Come share what you are doing, and learn from others. Topics include, but are not limited to:
• Chemical Body Load Counts • Personal Genome Sequencing • Lifelogging • Self Experimentation • Risks/Legal Rights/Duties • Behavior monitoring • Location tracking • Non-invasive Probes • Digitizing Body Info • Sharing Health Records • Psychological Self-Assessments • Medical Self-Diagnostics
Your hosts are Lisa Betts-LaCroix and Karen Herzog. The Quantified Self Silicon Valley meetup is associated with Quantified Self Labs about self knowledge through numbers. Write us with your recommendations, tips, and observations.
Quantified Self Labs is a California-based company founded by Gary Wolf and Kevin Kelly that serves the Quantified Self user community worldwide by producing international meetings, conferences and expositions, community forums, web content and services, and a guide to self-tracking tools.