What we’re about
If you feel alone in your head pondering the nature of reality, infinite realities, quantum entanglement, gravity, the absolute speed of light, black holes, space & time, dark energy, relativity, the Big Bang, the multiverse, and the like; consider joining this group for some friendly thinking and discussion. My hope is to create an exciting, nurturing environment, where we can be openly curious, and circulate among ourselves video clips, articles, documentaries and books we've been watching and reading.
As a side note, most of us are not scientists — we just love to learn. This group welcomes beginners, experts, and all those in between, with the understanding that we are all coming from different levels of exposure and interest. The single thing we share in common is a deep curiosity about the power of real science — and the nature of the almost unfathomable universe we inhabit. So we're hoping we can get a diverse group together and have some fun!
The above is the introduction written by the group's founder, Vanessa Shakib.
I would just add the following observations . . .
There has never been a more exciting and productive time in the history of applied and theoretical physics! Ingenious experiments combined with theoretical ideas proposed by some of the greatest minds in science are exploding and creating fundamentally new paradigms, to a degree that is certainly unprecedented in the history of all of the sciences — and within the area of physics in particular.
The majority of our loyal Quantum Physics Discussion Group Members are interested in the more substantive ideas of physics, both experimental and theoretical, and far less interested, if at all, in the "new-age," loosey- goosey, marginally speculative fantasy or "spiritual" thinking that sometimes, and maybe even too often, passes for science. Not that we don't welcome highly imaginative ideas, because if nothing else modern physics and its underpinnings in mathematics and philosophy, are the essence of the richest imagination combined with rigorous thinking.
Please join us on what is usually the last Sunday of each month, as we explore and try to better understand the dazzling and mind-blowing ideas that continue to inspire all of us, amateurs and semi-professionals alike, in the world of physics.
Just one final thing to add, though, is that this group costs money to run. If you enjoy our meetings, please contribute something. If you're not able to donate, please come anyway – because we value your presence more than anything.
Julian Krainin