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New Event: Stalker

From: John
Sent on: Tuesday, July 24, 2007, 2:05 AM
Announcing a new event for Radical Visions Cinema Club!

What: Stalker

When: Tuesday, August 14, 6:45 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Event Description: Andrei Tarkovsky's final Soviet film, Stalker (1979), is a long, intense, enigmatic, and darkly poetic fable based on a science-fiction novel by the brothers Strugatsky. In the film's story, "a writer and a scientist follow a shaven-headed 'stalker' into forbidden territory, a dangerous wilderness known as the Zone," a place, it is rumored, that has the power to grant one's innermost wishes. The film's post-apocalyptic landscape and electro-acoustic soundtrack make this one of the director's most visually and sonically arresting works.

Stalker is playing at the Pacific Film Archive in Berkeley at 7 pm as part of the PFA's Russian Fantastik Cinema festival.

More details on film and festival

Tickets are $8 adults, $5 students and seniors.

6 pm We will meet beforehand starting at 6 at Cafe Milano (across the street at 2522 Bancroft) for salads/sandwiches.

6:45 Purchase tickets at the PFA's Box Office (2626 Bancroft). The film starts at 7.

9:50 We will meet afterwards at Caffe Strada (2300 College, at Bancroft) for conversation.

Learn more here:

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