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What we’re about

Rainbow Atheists is a community group aligned with Humanist values. Although socially based in Melbourne, we welcome people from across Australia and beyond.

We are a social group for LGBTQIA+ atheists. Let's meet up and chat, socialise, and maybe organise some activities that express our desire to do good without god. In a nation where public discourse on LGBTQIA+ human rights is too often framed within religious privilege, it is time for us to come out as godless, rational, ethical, and diverse.

Anyone is welcome to join who is gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans or gender fluid, queer or questioning, Intersex, asexual, or allied, and who shares our disbelief in God or gods.

An introduction to Rainbow Atheism was published in the second issue of 'Bent Street' magazine and can now be found at A Case for Rainbow Atheism – Humanist Blog (

A more detailed exploration of gay and atheist liberation can be found at Sodom Today, Gomorrah the World! – Humanist Blog (

Being a rainbow atheist can be life affirming and empowering.

You are also invited to join, and contribute to, our Rainbow Atheists Facebook group.

NB: The numbers of attendees listed in our events is an inaccurate picture due to others attending via our Facebook group or other publicity options.