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What we’re about

Hi there!

Rainbow Social Sydney is an LGBQTIA+ social group for all members of the Sydney LGBTQIA+ community, their friends and allies.

We run regular events throughout the year which bring people together and interacting.

Our Monthly Mixer is held on the first Sunday of each month in Newtown, and is a great first event for anyone who is new to the group. When you arrive, you will be greeted by the event host (who will be wearing a rainbow shirt) at the entrance, will give you a run day of how the event works and then introduce you to some new people.

A place to meet, greet, network, socialise and interact, the group’s mission is to connect people from all walks of life, be inclusive and not be cliquey. We're not a dating group or a hookup group - please don't come with expectations of finding your life-partner (or tonight's partner!) - rather come with an open mind for making new connections, chatting with people you might not have ever met and developing social interactions. (Of course, if that all evolves into something more, then great!)

Our Group Values: connection, commitment, courage, community and consistency!

We look forward to meeting you at an event :)

Upcoming events (1)

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