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What we’re about

We're a writing group with a focus on science fiction and fantasy that meets on Saturday afternoons. Writers of all interest levels are welcome to come share and receive feedback on each others' work. We require the following from attendees:

Kindness: Try to be encouraging to your fellow writers. Some of us write as a career, others a hobby, please don't discourage others from practicing or improving their craft.

Professionalism: Stick to the rules of presentation and feedback for the group. They are there to protect both our time and our feelings.

Rules and Format:

Up to three writers present on a given night. They are chosen from attendees of previous meetings. Up to three backup readers will also be chosen. If a primary reader is unavailable a backup reader will take their place, otherwise the backup reader will become a primary reader for the following meeting.

Each reader has 15 minutes to present, and each attendee has one minute to give personalized feedback, followed by 5 minutes of open discussion.

Feedback is to be as follows. State at least one thing you liked from the piece, at least one thing you would change, and one question you had for the author for the open discussion portion.

Upcoming events (4+)

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