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Tomorrow's the Big Day! Vegan picnic announcements

From: Kimberly Del Negro S.
Sent on: Saturday, July 22, 2017, 6:30 AM

Hello, Vegan Food& Friends!

Just wanted you to know that on our Vegan Food & Friends Facebook page you can find a video of our location for tomorrows picnic we have a covered 100 seat Pavilion and there is kids playground and basketball court so bring your basket balls for a game with friends. also, we will have yoga with Sarah Lytle it will be an hour class about 5:30 or 6 once everyone eats and it cools down a bit.

There will be speakers you won't want to miss!

So please if you haven't joined our Facebook page and take a look at this great location video and remember that as always it is appreciated that you label dishes you bring to share with friends with ingredients so people know if they have a food sensitivity that they can enjoy your yummy dish with you.

Facebook link is provided please join it is how we share pictures, recipes and connect with friends after our events.

Thanks so much see you all there!  Kimberly Schroeder

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