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What we’re about

BEFORE applying to join, please read our unique meetup description and membership criteria.

In order to prevent cognitive decline and age well, our members have resolved to eat whole foods, get plenty of movement (both aerobic and strength-enhancing), engage in cognitively challenging activities, nurture healthy relationships, prioritize sleep, and develop stress resilience.  These evidence-based lifestyle practices have actual efficacy, more than any other treatment that money can buy, but they are hard to do by yourself and even tougher when friends or family undermine your efforts.  Our supportive community of likeminded folks makes it all easier to do.

Each meeting provides social connection, cognitive challenge during the educational portion, circadian rhythm-regulating sunshine, fresh air, accountability for building healthy habits, and sometimes a brief gentle movement break, a cognitively demanding game, or guided breath-work. We share experiences and uplift each other to build sustainable health habits.

Ours is a special group--the first Meetup with a brain health focus in the nation. We've even hosted Dr. Bredesen, author of “The End of Alzheimer’s Program”, at a past event!  The educational portion of our meetups is evidence-based, grounded in ancestral health/evolutionary medicine, and strives to be free of false brain boosting promotions.

***Your "REQUEST TO JOIN" may be rejected if you haven’t reviewed the 

(1) We welcome people at the stage of PREVENTING cognitive decline, possibly due to family history of Alzheimer’s disease [AD], ApoE4+ status, with possible signs of subjective cognitive impairment (SCI), and/or a passion for holistic health.
Our members do NOT have significant cognitive impairment. Our meetings are intended mainly for prevention.  This meetup is NOT suited for those experiencing mild cognitive impairment, pre-Alzheimer's, Alzheimer's, or other types of dementia.  Some members have successfully reversed cognitive impairment (yay!), then joined our group after they’ve recovered functioning cognition.

If you suspect subtle cognitive decline, please read #4 and #13 below.

(2) We have lively group discussions about topics including snacks/meals/recipes/groceries aligned with a brain healthy diet, balancing blood sugar, fitting in more physical activity, handling sleep issues, creating stress resilience, understanding lab tests, improving gut health, reducing toxin exposure, challenging your brain, ordering affordable ketogenic meals at local restaurants, utilizing bioidentical hormone replacement and supplements, improving mindset, and overcoming challenges to adhering to a health routine.

The foundational brain health practices truly do not require much financial investment.

(3) All members have ALREADY read most of Dr. Dale Bredesen’s 2020 book “The End of Alzheimer’s Program” OR an equivalent resource BEFORE joining our discussions.  If you have not read this book when you apply to join, please indicate your brain health source material, such as Dr. Richard Isaacson’s free “Mastering Brain Health” video master class on YouTube, the Better Brain Fitness podcast hosted by Drs. Wood and Turknett, educational guides in a paid PreCODE™ subscription, and Dr. Dale Bredesen’s recent research papers.  Productive meetup discussions rely on members educating themselves and drawing from a common foundation of evidence (and NOT random charismatic, self-styled brain health gurus). 

We discuss scientific research and books in the public domain and refrain from solicitation to subscribe/buy any programs, supplements, devices, etc.   

(2) All members must be committed to implementing a brain healthy diet (such as KetoFLEX 12/3™), physical activity, sleep hygiene, stress management, toxin reduction, and brain training.

(3) Do NOT APPLY to join if you cannot attend meetups in person at a park in San Diego. If, instead, you seek ONLINE group or individual coaching, consider adding yourself to the interest list of my "Revitalize Your Brain" support group .

(4) If you suspect that you have very mild cognitive issues and unsure whether you are at the stage of prevention, please privately message me (Jen) to make sure you are a good match for this group.  You’ll likely need a clinically-validated cognitive test (see #13 below) to begin to objectively evaluate your condition. If you’re already experiencing memory issues, I urge you to consult a ReCODE-certified doctor.

(5) Meetup members who are implementing PreCODE for themselves may also bring their loved one with early Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) as long as he/she is currently under the care of a ReCODE-certified doctor.  MCI is often a prelude to Alzheimer's, requiring medical oversight and intervention well beyond the scope of this support group.  To be clear, Dr. Bredesen compares MCI to stage 3 cancer—a life-threatening stage that should be treated with qualified medical interventions, far beyond the scope of this support group.
The meetup is inappropriate for someone with dementia, i.e. early/moderate/advanced Alzheimer's. Our meetups often include a fast-paced deep dive into aspects of the Bredesen Protocol™ and discussion of the scientific underpinnings. 

(6) No one should self-treat an established neurodegenerative condition with a support group.

(7) Your contribution of $5-10 per meetup attended helps support our mission (including the $197 yearly subscription). Your financial support and/or volunteer work keeps our meetups from being polluted by marketing/advertising and potential bias created by corporate sponsorship. Please bring cash in person to the meetings or contribute via MC/Visa/PayPal at .

(8) Our group CANNOT provide personalized healthcare advice. For optimal brain health, consult your doctor along with one-on-one health coaching for the best combination of personalized testing, diagnosis, recommendations, and support.

(9) The information we discuss at our meetups is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. Please consult your healthcare provider before undertaking any diet and lifestyle change.

(10) You must RSVP and attend in person to receive handouts.

(11) All members are expected to keep personal details shared in discussions CONFIDENTIAL.

(12) The meetup is a time to be PRESENT and supportive, so please take personal phone calls, texts, and general cell phone distractions away from our meeting.  We sometimes incorporate a break for gentle movement or a breathing exercise about halfway through the meeting that can be used for checking your phone.

Participants may receive a discrete inquiry from me as to whether they’ve had an evaluation for potential cognitive decline. If you perceive that you’re having “senior moments”, it’s essential to have a cognitive assessment.  Please review for a description of several options, including the MoCA, CNS-VS, and neuropsychological exam.

If you are experiencing subtle/mild cognitive symptoms, yet have not completed a clinically-validated cognitive assessment administered by a professional, I may be able to offer you a one-time online CNS-VS test of function in a dozen cognitive domains with full report for $50.  The fee covers the $40 to directly pay CNS-VS + $10 to begin to compensate me for my time to arrange your test that you complete privately online using your home computer. I also offer a single 55-minute private consultation via videoconference along with a MoCA or CNS-VS cognitive assessment, see for details and cost. It is important for everyone over 45 years to have a baseline objective measure of cognition for future comparison and/or for determining if medical follow-up is warranted.

(14) Besides the gradual onset of Alzheimer’s disease, memory loss may be due to Lewy Body dementia, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, excessive alcohol use, brain tumors, adverse effects of prescription drugs, head injury, or other causes. Cognitive issues from NON-Alzheimer’s causes may not be helped by the Bredesen Protocol™. It's imperative to consult your DOCTOR about your symptoms.



I’m Jen Felix, a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach and former cell biology researcher at UCLA Dept of Neurobiology and UCSD Dept of Bioengineering.  I’m a Nationally Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach who has completed both Dr. Bredesen's original intensive training for healthcare practitioners as well as his ReCODE 2.0™ training.  

Since January 2018, I have hosted this meetup and partnered with numerous doctors to help their patients, including assisting Dr. Heather Sandison’s clinical trial to reverse early Alzheimer’s published in Aug 2023.   Rest assured that I am not dogmatic about the Bredesen Protocol and do not use this support group to solicit clients.  I too benefit from the group support to stay on track with my daily health practices.

You can learn more about me, brain health resources, and more on my website


As Brain Health Optimizers, our MISSION is to help each other practice a healthy lifestyle that broadly avoids the drivers of Alzheimer’s Disease as well as other major chronic diseases.  We’ll all have a better chance at a long, functional, vibrant life when we pursue this mission TOGETHER.

Many thanks for your time reading the above description. If our group seems like a good fit for you, please apply to join.  I look forward to witnessing your gains in well-being, blood sugar balance, body weight normalization, cognitive performance, and/or connection with our lovely members.

Yours in optimizing brain health,
Jen Felix, BSc in Biology, NBC-HWC, FMCHC with ReCODE 2.0 Certification