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What we’re about

For professional, driven, intelligent women (AND MEN) in your 40s, 50s, or 60s+, single, divorced, or still healing your heart/life? You want to get it right, dating and in love (your next relationship), to learn new TOOLKIT dating skills for when it matters the most.

To attract a high-calibre man who will value and respect you, find you irrestible, and want to commit to building a future with you and be there through the ups and downs of life, this MONTHLY group is your opportunity!

Come along….join in our uplifting, fun, MONTHLY DISCUSSION and receive powerful insights, meeting other likeminded professionals too:

♥ If you've had your heart broken too many times
♥ If men/women ghost you, are unreliable or don't commit
♥ Your relationships are not working out
♥ You’ve been single or divorced for a while
♥ You might be at a crossroads or given up on love
♥ Could be settling for less than you deserve
♥ In my experience, you are successful in your industry, well-educated and financially independent.
♥If you have been waiting for the right dating/relationship expert, healthy communication and human behaviour expert, male psychology expert, and highly qualified mind, body, and energy expert, this is your spiritual signpost and opportunity! I understand what works and doesn't on the dating the love pathway!

Monthly Dates/Subjects coming up (RSVP each separate event):

  • Thurs 9th May - Your Female vs Male Energy (that pushes a potential date away)
  • Thurs June 6th - What You Do Want In Love, In Advance of Dating?
  • Thurs 11th July - Topic to be confirmed.

I will cover many topics throughout 2024, including your dating confidence, what your energy says to men/women, your blindspots, what you do want, and how to accelerate your dating results with a high-quality partner. Plus, so much more. So let's create a wonderful, uplifting, insightful, heart-centred, respectful, fun, engaging, insightful monthly meet-up to Reignite Your Dating Relationship Approach (in advance of dating, in advance of being ready for another relationship).

Do you value your self-development and are ready and willing to learn?

Don't miss out! RSVP, get organised, pop the date(s) in your diary
Investing only your time, you will receive my professional expertise/experience as my pay-it-forward GIFT for FREE. Also invite your friends to join in too!

Here's the group link to forward on:

Step 1. RSVP for each event separately. Start 7.30pm (GMT+ 1) or BST!
Step 2 Invite your friends with this link.
Step 3. Receive/OPEN immediately my FREE (5 Minute Gift)
Your Top 3 Dating Tips - no details necessary. To open, copy/paste this link into your Google browser (for women/and men to read)

Hi I am Karen Marshall, your highly qualified, professionally trained dating and relationship expert, coach, mentor, trainer, and wellbeing expert.
What makes me unique from other dating /relationship experts is that I have been where you are and achieved the dating and relationship happiness in my life, attracting the right high-quality man, the love of my life, my soulmate I am happily married to now 16 years in love.

Let me transform your heart and life! I understand what doesn’t work and can work if you want your toolkit to Recognise, Attract and Build your High-quality relationship.

Looking forward to meeting you real soon.
Karen Marshall x
Qualified and Experienced Relationship and Dating Expert, Coach, Mentor, Trainer, Wellbeing Expert in the Mind, Body and Energy