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What we’re about

We are a community dedicated to supporting each other through our personal relationships.

Relationships can include:
Spouse / Romantic Partner(s)
Platonic Close Friends
Potential Dating partners
Employers / Bosses
Team members
And more...

If you are experiencing any of these communication problems:

Struggling to say the right words to your partner, friends, clients, employers, family members or potential partners

Trust issues:
There are things from the past that color your current interactions.
You have had experiences which have left you more hesitant to let folks in.

Isolation and lack of connection:
You feel alone or they feel alone in the house with you.
You don't feel like you fit in, in your workplace.

Unfulfilling relationships:
You long for something that you feel they cannot provide for you.
You feel that your relationship(s) is/are missing something but not sure what.

Work-Life imbalance:
You are experiencing relationship breakdowns.
You feel pulled in multiple directions with little presence anywhere.
Life feels chaotic or sporadic.

Then THIS will be the perfect group for you to join and gain the following benefits or breakthroughs:

Compassionate communication
Improved trust
Sense of belonging
Supportive community
Confidence and empowerment
Fulfilling relationships

What we do:
Educational Events (most of our events are educational and free)
Social Events (to connect with others)
Networking Events (to connect with others for specific purposes eg. business or career)

When you join the group, you will receive reminders and notifications of upcoming events and other announcements.

Please join our group by clicking on the red JOIN Button.

See you soon,

Misha Safran, PCC (she/they)