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What we’re about

Fitness fanatics! (+ NOW food fanatics!!)

Being "fit" is about being healthy. It's about being able to do the things you need and want to do on a daily basis. Sure, it's about "looking good for bikini season" and stuff, but it's (more importantly) about being happy and feeling good! It's about having fun while you're living this life. It's about loving yourself so you can properly love others. So, here's what we do...



We will "Meetup" sporadically in the Twin Cities and surrounding areas for high-intensity workouts. Each will be approximately an hour long. Most will be outdoors. We will do early mornings, late nights, middays, weekdays, weekends... a little of everything, never the same thing twice. Come to one or come to every one.

All are welcome, but be advised, these are intense workouts and there's a $5 fine for whining. :-)



We can't be "fit" without proper nutrition. The food we eat literally becomes our bodies, so let's sift through the crazy confusion of conflicting nutritional recommendations once and for all!

You can join a one day workshop or an ongoing nutrition series. We have a huge variety of topics, such as fueling for fitness, food for fertility, what to eat for healthy skin, kids in the kitchen, fighting inflammation, diabetic/pre-diabetic protocols, and so much more!


Sign-up!!! (You know you want to...)

Oh, and be sure to find our fitness dance flash mob group as well! You'll be glad you did!

SPONSORED BY: Revolution World Fitness, Inc. 
