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What we’re about

R-Ladies Kyiv welcomes members of all R proficiency levels, whether you're a new or aspiring R user, or an experienced R programmer interested in mentoring, networking & expert upskilling. Our community is designed to develop our members' R skills & knowledge through social, collaborative learning & sharing. Supporting minority identity access to STEM skills & careers, the Free Software Movement, and contributing to the global R community! 

A local chapter of R-Ladies Global, R-Ladies Kyiv exists to promote gender diversity in the R community worldwide. We are pro-actively inclusive of queer, trans, and all minority identities, with additional sensitivity to intersectional identities. Our priority is to provide a safe community space for anyone identifying as a minority gender who is interested in and/or working with R. As a founding principle, there is no cost or charge to participate in any of our R-Ladies communities around the world. 

We are part of Global R-Ladies group. You can access our presentations, R scripts, and Projects on our Github account and follow us on twitter to stay up to date about R-Ladies news! 

Join and follow us:

Our Facebook page:

Twitter: @RLadiesKyiv (

Contact us: 

- Partnership proposal:

- Questions and  support :


PS Community Policies & Code of Conduct: 

The leadership, mentoring & teaching roles within this Community are held exclusively by minority genders (majority gender speakers may be allowed/invited as one-off guests in exceptional circumstances at the leadership team's discretion). Due to unexpected demand, we have opened learning participation to all genders, dependent on initial and on-going vetting by the leadership team. However, the stated priority of the R-Ladies communities is the development & support specifically of those identifying as a minority gender, and we, therefore, reserve the right to guard this interest through whatever measures the leadership team deems appropriate. Anyone involved with R-Ladies Kyiv is expected to fully respect each other, the mandate of this community, and the goodwill on which R-Ladies is founded, or face expulsion/a penalty of any form, at the discretion of the leadership team. 

Upcoming events (1)

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