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What we’re about

About us
We are a local chapter of R-Ladies, a global non-profit organization encouraging, inspiring and empowering women and non-binary people to become contributors and leaders in the R programming community (
Our mission is to create a friendly, inclusive and diverse community for people who code or would like to learn how to code in R in the Vancouver area. As a community, we focus on giving opportunities, mentorship and voice to women and non-binary people who remain an underrepresented group in the programming realm.

Videos of your past events can be found here

Questions and Answers:
What is R and who is R for?
R is one of the top programming languages for processing, analyzing and visualizing data. Anyone who works with data, which in this day and age is almost most of us, can benefit from basic knowledge of R and find its data science tools useful. R is open-source, free and is supported by a welcoming, generous and fun community of developers.
What events are run or planned to be run by R-Ladies Vancouver?
Workshops, talks, spotlight on research utilizing R, hackathons and coding cafe evenings. Monthly, free of charge.
Who can join the R-Ladies Vancouver community & events
Everyone. You can be a part of building diverse and inclusive communities. Join us in our mission towards an increased presence of women and non-binary people as programmers and leaders. How can we attain this? By focusing our support and resources on this group during meetups, allowing their voices to be heard and when space is limited considering donating a spot to women/non-binary members. Also, all levels of R welcome. We do require our members to follow the R-Ladies Global Code of Conduct
How can I contribute?
Share your knowledge and coding skills by facilitating a workshop, give a talk, suggest a talk/workshop, suggest a speaker, mentor, help us find a sponsor to host our free of charge monthly events
Who organizers & contributes to R-Ladies Vancouver events?
Anything events: Yuka Takemon, @YukaTakemon | Jasmine Lai, @jmultiflorum | Cici Li|