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Ethics and How To of Bolting Class

From: Erik F.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 5, 2014, 6:46 AM

Hi folks:


From time to time I've offered the following class on the Ethics and How To of Bolting. I'm looking at offering it again Tuesday, February 18, 2014 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in Tempe if there is interest. It seems to be well received by climbers, canyoneers, and just outdoor explorers who may depend from time to time on bolts. Indeed, many of you have already taken it. Maybe a friend would be interested.


"Bolts" are a black box of outdoor recreation. Most folks just know that somehow the "bolts" get there and they clip them, but what's involved in placing them, how to evaluate them and recognize bad bolts, and when to consider replacing them is somewhat of a mystery. And perhaps even more importantly folks often want to understand the ethics of bolting and other rock modifications. This is a particularly sensitive subject as more climbing areas are restricted by either land managers or other climbers to certain types of bolting.


For the class I provide the equipment and you get to take home your own "bolted" hunk of river rock. These "bolted rocks" seem to be appearing around the Valley in recreationists' homes as door stops or fireplace accent pieces.


Everyone will have to pay the individual fees of $30 per person associated with producing the class and giving the materials as "take homes."


Let me know if you have an interest. Please email me directly at my email address - [address removed] - and I'll give you more information. This is open to anyone, so your friends are welcome as well if they might be interested.


Rock on!


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