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New Meetup: Climbing at Vertical World Seattle

From: Gray
Sent on: Friday, December 4, 2009, 2:29 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Seattle Climbing Meetup Group!

What: Climbing at Vertical World Seattle

When: December 10,[masked]:00 PM

Vertical World
2123 W Elmore St
Seattle, WA 98199

Come on out and climb with some old friends or make some new ones!

You should already know how to safely belay (will have to pass a short belay test by the staff at VW if you haven't already done so).

I'll be over by the warm up mat area at 7pm to help pair people up if needed. If you have a picture posted in your profile I'll try to keep an eye out for you if you are late. Otherwise look around for me.

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