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Table, Network @ Concert for Peace in Huntington, LI Sunday

From: Matt
Sent on: Friday, February 29, 2008, 4:43 AM
Table, Network @ Concert for Peace

Sunday, March 2, 5:30 PM

5:30-9pm @ Cinema Arts Centre, Huntington, Long Island: $5 cab ride from the train station on the LIRR, which is an hour east of penn station, or 40 minutes east of Jamaica. Or if I know you ask me to get you from the train if i have room in my car.

We will have a booth designated to the Freedom Movement -
Income tax scam, 9-11, Republic Magazine, Alex Jones DVDs, Ron Paul, or anything else you bring, etc...

Music by:
Chiba Ken
Illuminati Murdock
Russ Seeger
IJ Merenini & Leonard Lehrman (vocalist/pianist)
Refined Fluff
Dave Weber

Guest Speakers Iraq Veterans Against the War
Activists Tables To Include:

South Country Peace Group
LI Counter Military Recruiting
Veterans Fore Peace
+ More (We Are Change LI?)

It's going to be a good crowd of folk. I don't think the Freedom Movement does enough networking and alligning with the Peace Movement

suggested donation $7,
but i can get 1, 2, or 3 people in for FREE if they volunteer to take shifts tabling.

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