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From: Matt
Sent on: Sunday, August 31, 2008, 4:01 AM
Tired of paying income tax? Join thousands of Americans who have successfully addressed the income tax issue and recovered withholdings! Author Pete Hendrickson explains the true meaning of "income."

Order the book, listen to podcasts/mp3s about it, and read more here:

"CRACKING THE CODE: The Fascinating Truth About Taxation in America" by Pete Hendrickson

This book will gently but effectively usher you into a whole new universe.

Most people in the "tax defying" community (as it is now officially called) are incompletely informed. They believe the income tax is unconstitutional, but they can't legally prove why. We have author Pete Hendrickson to thank for doing a bit of research (reading millions of words of Internal Revenue Code and statutory law!) for us. It appears that Congress itself, although not opposed to writing a horrendously convoluted and misleading tax code, has provided ways for law-abiding citizens to disengage themselves yearly from the very uncomfortable noose of "income" tax, but it requires a little knowledge and a LOT of unconditioning to do so.

You will no longer need accountants or "certified tax preparers" to take care of this ugly little annual task for you.

You will breathe freely and happily once you have gotten the picture and taken your first hesitant steps into freedom. The concept of "Cracking the Code" is not based on "a little loophole." It is not "just another trick" you can try on the IRS to get out of paying taxes. It is an explanation of the true nature of "income" tax and the true purpose of filing a 1040 return.

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